News & Updates2024-08-05T12:40:53+10:00

Orthopaedic Patients in NSW In Needless Wait For Surgery

October 18th, 2021|Tags: , |

SURGEONS HAVE A PLAN FOR A SAFE RETURN TO NORMAL ELECTIVE SURGERY A faster and safe return to joint replacement surgery in private hospitals is possible, if a plan developed by senior members of the Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons [...]

APF: Too late? The new normal, State government slurps up all patient information

October 18th, 2021|Tags: , , |

The Victorian government acts in haste to pass health database law, the community will repent at leisure. The Bill links all patient medical and health information through a single portal, to be shared between authorised end-users, decided and controlled by the Secretary of the Department of Health.

Honeysuckle deal sounds sweet, but there’s a sting

June 1st, 2021|Tags: , |

by Holly Pane - Medical Republic Jun 1, 2021 Despite widespread opposition to managed care in Australia, the ACCC has green-lit a controversial health fund buying group. While some say this is the beginning of the end for the Australian [...]

Anaesthetists Warn Against Threat of Managed Care

May 28th, 2021|Tags: |

The Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) is concerned that the health insurance industry’s push for Managed Care is gaining ground in Australia. In a draft determination released 21 May, the ACCC favours (with conditions) a proposal from Honeysuckle Health (HH) [...]

Postponement Of Spine Society Of Australia’s 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting

May 24th, 2021|Tags: , |

The Spine Society of Australia have been closely monitoring and the impact on the upcoming Annual Scientific Meeting, scheduled for 9-11 April. We recognise the value of seeing everyone together and the importance of networking in person and are therefore [...]

Private patients get raw deal as public/private hospital system is thrown out of balance

June 3rd, 2020|Tags: , |

“Patients with private health insurance could be placed on waiting lists because of C19 crisis contracts that are no longer consistent with reality”, Chairman of ASOS, Dr Simon Coffey said in Sydney today. We have been fortunate in Australia to [...]

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