Orthopaedic trauma typically involves a broken bone, often caused by playing sport, a vehicle collision or violent activity. Trauma may involve several bones being broken, requiring urgent surgery and ongoing treatment. Common causes of trauma are:
- Falling — common in the elderly losing balance or in children’s playground accidents
- Sports injuries or occupational injuries involving a fall or forceful blow to the body
- Osteoporosis can cause bones to become brittle and break, especially in the elderly
As well as broken bones, orthopaedic trauma may include injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as spinal cord injuries. Open fractures, where the skin is broken, put patients at a high risk of infection and the patient typically requires immediate surgery to treat the broken bones. The overall aim of any trauma treatment is to get the patient to an optimal functional state as soon as possible and to prevent secondary complications.
ASOS supports the family doctor–patient relationship. If you have any symptoms that might require treatment, consult your GP, who will refer you to an orthopaedic specialist.