ASOS media release re QLD VMO fiasco

2018-01-23T12:47:27+11:00December 9th, 2011|Press Releases|

Chief negotiator for the Visiting Medical Officers (VMO) in the 3 year old VMO contract dispute, Dr Ross Cartmill has the complete support of the Queensland orthopaedic VMOs. The message has been conveyed to him by the QLD Chairman of ASOS, Dr Kelly Macgroarty, "Dr Cartmill is simply trying to [...]

QLD Health is Dudding Provincial Patients Access to Specialist Services

2017-11-06T19:15:45+11:00August 6th, 2010|News|

The Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (ASOS) has called on the Qld Health Minister to urgently resolve his dispute with the Qld Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs). Central to the dispute is the provision of specialist medical services to provincial centres throughout Queensland. Under the previous agreement which expired in February [...]

Surgeons Call on MBF to Guarantee the Best Spare Parts for Patients

2017-11-06T18:31:56+11:00September 9th, 1999|News|

The Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons today called on the chairman of MBF, Mr John Condie, to personally guarantee that MBF will meet in full the cost of any prostheses which an orthopaedic surgeons believes is the best quality replacement part for a patient undergoing surgery. "MBF has asked hospitals [...]

Surgeons Warn About Cheap Spare Parts for Patients

2017-11-06T18:15:39+11:00September 8th, 1999|News|

Any attempt by private health funds to force doctors to use cheap spare parts in patients will be fiercely resisted, chairman of the Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr John Harrison, said in Sydney today. "Caring doctors will not be putting anything into patients that they do not believe is [...]

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