Calls For Patient Power Revolution In Health Care Financing – Medicare Funds Should Be Paid In Advance Direct To Patients Medical Savings Accounts

2017-11-06T17:16:16+11:00July 22nd, 1997|News|

One of Australia's leading sports injury Orthopaedic Surgeons, Sydney based Dr Merv Cross, has called for a dramatic change in Australia's health care financing system. Dr Cross is addressing the Australian Private Hospitals Association NSW State Conference at the KPMG Centre Level 27, 45 Clarence Street,Sydney on Wednesday, 23 July [...]

Medicare Monopoly on Medical Insurance Now in Doubt

2017-11-06T14:16:05+11:00September 26th, 1996|News|

"The Federal Government's Budget decision to reduce Medicare rebates for some medical services has made a farce of the Medicare monopoly", spokesman for the Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr Merv Cross said in Sydney today. "Federal Health Insurance Legislation prohibits any insurance company offering insurance for expenditure that attracts [...]

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