Mandatory update training for assessors of permanent impairment in the NSW workers compensation system

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has gazetted the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition (the Guidelines). The Guidelines will replace the 3rdedition (published in 2009) for assessments of permanent impairment conducted on or after 1 April 2016.

Assessors listed on the SIRA website to conduct assessments of permanent impairment for the Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine and/or Digestive body systems must complete mandatory update training prior to implementation of the Guidelines on 1 April 2016. They must satisfactorily complete the training program for each body system for which they are listed (of the four mentioned above) to remain on the SIRA website for that body system.

The training program for these four specific body system modules is being run by Jim Stewart Consulting. All assessors required to complete the update training have been sent the training modules by email, using the last email address provided to SIRA.  Assessors must return their case studies to Jim Stewart at by 13 March 2016.

If you are a listed assessor in the above listed body systems and have not received communication from Jim Stewart Consulting in relation to the mandatory update training or have any other queries relating to the update training,  please contact Jim Stewart Consulting by email or telephone on 0408257001.

If assessors do not complete the mandatory training prior to 1 April 2016 they will have their names removed from the SIRA website and their assessments and reports will not be valid, until they have successfully completed the training and had their name reinstated on the website.

For other queries about the NSW workers compensation guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment 4th edition please contact Maria Wilson, Provider Strategy and Policy Officer at SIRA at or by telephone on 4321 5341